Modern foreign languages course launch
Thursday 29th September saw dozens of teachers gather together to launch an exciting new languages programme in the region. Delivered in partnership with renowned language training providers, Rosetta Stone, the innovative new programme will help to improve languages teaching across scores of North East schools and will be delivered to 120 staff over the coming year.
Designed and delivered by staff at: St John’s School and Sixth Form; Easington Academy; Sacred Heart Catholic High School; St Leonard’s Catholic School; The Academy at Shotton Hall and Browney Academy, the teacher subject specialism training languages courses (TSST) will give teachers and teaching assistants the opportunity to improve their language skills and/or learn an additional language.
At the launch event at Easington Academy, candidates were introduced to the innovative online language learning software from Rosetta Stone, whose personalised language and reading programs are successfully used in thousands of schools and businesses as well as for millions of individual learners around the world.
Funded by the Department of Education, TSST courses aim to improve the subject knowledge of specialist, non-specialist and returning teachers in a range of subjects. To find out more about TSST programmes, visit