Schools North East Logo

Privacy Policy

Marketplace Disclaimer

Schools North East is not responsible for the content of any external websites which may be linked to from this site. A link on this website does not imply any kind of endorsement or recommendation.

Schools North East seeks to ensure that all material in the Marketplace is accurate and current. Nevertheless, content is provided without any warranty or responsibility. Individuals or schools should not make significant decisions based on information on this site without obtaining independent advice.

Schools North East in no way accepts liability for any loss or damage caused by taking action as a result of material viewed on this website.

Venue Finder Disclaimer

 We have not personally checked the venues listed below so cannot confirm the details are correct.  We advise that visit the venue before booking an event.

All listings made on the Schools North East Venue Finder are non-refundable in the first 12 months due to start up costs.

Commercial Supporters

These membership terms and conditions apply to Commerial Supporters of Schools North East. The term you refers to the Commercial Supporter and us refers to Schools North East. Schools North East reserves the right to change or update the terms, conditions, or member benefits without prior notice. Any revisions to these membership terms and conditions will be notified to Commercial Members via email.

1. Membership application
Schools North East Commercial Membership is organisational and not individual.The membership belongs to the organisation.

2. Payment
Membership is for a fixed term of 12 months starting on the day you join. Membership will be activated at point of application but payment must be received within 30 days for it to remain active. Payment can be made by cheque, BACS or Direct Debit. If membership payment remains outstanding we will notify you by telephone, email or letter.

3. Personal details
All information provided by you to us must be true and accurate at the point of applying. In the event of a change of circumstances such as change of contact details or any other change that will affect your profile, please contact the membership team.

4. Benefits
As a Commercial Member of Schools North East you will be able to access a range of benefits. Each benefit or service offered may have its own terms and conditions. Member benefits are only accessible if your membership is active. Member benefits may change from time to time without prior notice. For an up-to-date list of benefits visit the SCHOOLS North East website at

5. Renewal
Membership is for the term of 12 months. An email will be sent to you prior to your renewal date notifying you of the cost of membership and the date the payment is required. If your membership lapses, you will not be able to access member benefits until the membership is renewed.

6. Cancellation
Your membership services commence immediately when your application is processed. To cancel your membership you will need to notify us in writing and you will receive a pro-rata refund on the membership fee. There will be an admin fee of £150 for cancellation.

7. Refusal of Commercial Membership
Schools North East reserves the right to refuse Commercial Membership to any organisation that Schools North East does not regard as compatible with its aims, mission or vision. Schools North East’s decision in regard to this is final.

8. In respect of its website, Weekly Update, events, or any publications, Schools North East reserves the right of final decision in regard to content or format.
In order to ensure our weekly update is consistent with our branding we use the same template each week. We do not insert any pictures including both our own and our commercial supporter’s images. The inclusion of images can cause the email to be blocked by school servers as well as disrupting the formatting. The only image permitted is the ‘weekly update header’ which must strictly adhere to the original template design.

Membership does not guarantee inclusion in the Schools North East Weekly Update. To keep our content fresh and to remain fair to all members we reserve the right to feature a Commercial Supporter as many times as we see appropriate.

Privacy Policy 

This privacy policy sets out how Schools North East uses and protects any information that you give.
Schools North East (referred to in the remainder of this policy statement as “Schools North East”) is a registered charity led by Headteachers.  The Charity’s objectives are for the public benefit: 

  • The advancement of education for the public benefit of children and young people up to the age of 25.
  • Work together to support, inform and influence key regional strategies.
  • Enable schools to improve the quality and effectiveness of education and build links with the employment sector.

Schools North East Trading Limited (referred to in the remainder of this policy statement as “SNE Trading”) is a private company and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Schools North East and gifts all its profits to the charity Schools North East to help provide as much support for North East Schools as possible.

Schools North East and SNE Trading, are each Data Controllers in relation to data held by that company, and are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.  We will not ask you to provide personal information.

SNE Trading has a recruitment portal with a separate privacy statement, only relating to candidates on that site.  A copy of this is available on the Jobs in Schools | North East site.

Schools North East and SNE Trading may update this policy from time to time as required. This policy was last reviewed on 14 September 2018.

Data we Collect, Process, Hold and Share

How we collect data:

  • delegate booking forms and event attendance;
  • information provided by individuals, schools, Trusts, companies and other organisations directly to us or information publicly available;
  • individuals subscribing to our newsletter or signing up for alerts;
  • individuals and schools involved in specific projects;
  • Schools North East membership forms;
  • surveys and feedback forms. 

In some cases, a representative from a school, ie Head Teacher or School Business Manager, may provide the names and email addresses of individuals wishing to engage in a project, receive information or attend an event.

The information we collect is:

We require this information to be enable us to carry out our charitable purpose and to administer and manage events and projects you wish to participate in.

  • Name, job title and contact details;
  • Organisation information, including name, address, telephone number and characteristics of this organisation including location, phase and type of education, religious status (if applicable), Ofsted grading, governance, or nature of commercial organisations;
  • Preferences and interests of a professional nature;
  • Dietary requirements and information concerning any disability that you wish us to take into account to help you access and enjoy an event you are participating in, if applicable;
  • Photographs from events;

What we do with the information we gather:

  • Name, job title and contact details;
  • Organisation information, including name, address, telephone number and characteristics of this organisation including location, phase and type of education, religious status (if applicable), Ofsted grading, governance, or nature of commercial organisations;
  • Preferences and interests of a professional nature;
  • Dietary requirements and information concerning any disability that you wish us to take into account to help you access and enjoy an event you are participating in, if applicable;
  • Photographs from events;

What we do with the information we gather:

The information is used to build an overall picture of our stakeholders and to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Internal record keeping;
  • We may use the information to improve our products and services;
  • We may send emails with information which we think you will find interesting or is relevant to your job role, using the email address which you have provided;
  • We may share personal information between Schools North East and SNE Trading and/or with venues to ensure your safety ie any disability or dietary requirement;
  • In certain circumstance we may be required to provide delegate lists to third parties ie printers for name badges, venues or exhibitors at events;
  • If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.
  • We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so;

The Lawful basis on which we use this information:

  • Contract:  The processing is necessary for a contract with the individual, school or company.  This contract may be a membership, relationship, project or specific event;
  • Public task:  To enable us to carry out our charitable purpose;
  • Legitimate interest: in accordance with our charitable objectives;
  • Consent: in the case of newsletter sign up and attendance at events or participation in projects the individual, school,  or company has consented to the processing of their data in accordance with our charitable purpose;
  • Legal obligation: To enable us to carry out our charitable purpose and to fulfill the terms of memberships, projects and activities.

What we do when you provide Special Category data to us:

What we do when you provide Special Category data to us:
The special category data we will collect will be relevant to projects, programmes and events that you are participating in.  This may include:

  • Dietary requirements; and
  • Disabilities.

This information may be shared with a venue or provider if special arrangements are required.  This information will remain on our systems, which are password protected, until they are deleted after the event and you will therefore be required to submit this information again in future, if necessary.

Your rights as a data subject where we hold your personal data

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the following rights:

  • The right to request access to your personal data;
  • The right to request correction of your personal data;
  • The right to request erasure of your personal data;
  • The right to object to processing of your personal data;
  • The right to request restriction of processing your personal data;
  • The right to request the transfer of your personal data;
  • The right to withdraw any consent you have given.

You can find out more about your rights at the Information Commissioner’s Office website:
If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us via email:
You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.
We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

How we protect the security of your Personal Data

We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal data. In order to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of your personal data we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we hold concerning you.

Third Parties use of your Personal Data

We will not sell or share your personal data with others save as expressly provided for in this Privacy Notice or where as a matter of law we are required to do so.


We also collect information automatically about your visits to our site. The information obtained in this way, which includes demographic data and browsing patterns, is only used in aggregate form, and as such cannot be used to identify you personally. Such aggregate information helps us to audit usage of our web site and improve the service provided.

Who to contact if you have concerns relating to your personal data

If you have any concerns about the way we handle your personal data please do contact us at  We will take any concerns you have seriously. In the alternative, you are entitled to contact the Information Commissioners Office and we provide the contact details below:-

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
ICO Tel: 0303 123 1113

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted here.


Cookies are small parcels of data stored temporarily on your hard drive while you are browsing a website. These are a standard mechanism used by most websites. By continuing to use this website with cookies enabled, you consent to our use of cookies.

Our website employs cookies only to provide us with general information about how our website is used. However, no personal information that would enable us to identify individuals is either obtained or stored in these cookies.

Cookies are often used to track a user’s browsing history for the purpose of targeted advertising. This website does not set any cookies of this type.

We use a third party service provided by Google Analytics to provide us with further general information about the performance of this website. The data collected by Google is aggregated to show general trends and does not identify individual users. From time to time, we may also use other third party services such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media, the presence of which will be readily apparent from their on-screen icons. In each case, any cookies set by the providers of these services are set by them directly. They are not set by this website and we have no control over them. Please refer to these services’ own privacy policies if you wish to check how they use cookies.
Should you wish to disable cookies, please refer to your browser’s Help function. Please note, however, that many websites will not run correctly with cookies disabled, especially ones that require you to log in or that offer any form of checkout or booking process, as cookies are usually needed to keep track of individual transactions.

Contact us

If you have general comments or questions about our privacy policy or for matters specific to your personal data please email them to:

Data Protection Officer:  Pauline Aitchison


Telephone:  0191 204 8866


Schools North East seeks to ensure that all material on this site is accurate and current. Nevertheless, content is provided without any warranty or responsibility. Individuals or companies should not make significant decisions based on information on this site without obtaining independent advice. 

Schools North East in no way accepts liability for any loss or damage caused by taking action as a result of material viewed on this website.

Schools North East is not responsible for the content of any external websites which may be linked to from this site. A link on this website does not imply any kind of endorsement or recommendation.

Partner Schools