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Sponsorship Opportunities

Schools North East has more opportunities than ever for your organisation to get in front of school staff of all types.
We represent all 1,150 schools of the region and our reach also extends to schools outside of the region with a database of over 8,000 active subscribers including CEOs, Head Teachers, SBMs and more.
With our national reach through the National Network of Special Schools for School Business Professionals (NNoSS), there’s no better time to get involved.
We are in constant contact with our networks through our annual events programme and communications such as stakeholder briefings, surveys, newsletters and roundtables, providing the perfect opportunity for your brand to reach our audience whilst supporting the regions schools and our charity.
Some of our sponsorship opportunities are available exclusively to Schools North East Commercial and Education Supporters including exhibiting at our annual Academies Conference and attending our annual Patron’s Dinner. To have the opportunity to book these exclusive opportunities or to find out more about how our supporters help the work we do, as a self-funded organisation, view our commercial brochure page by clicking here.
The North East business community has an important role to play in supporting the next generation. Anything is possible when the right people do the right things.

Summit 2024

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Academies Conference 2025

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Curriculum Conference 2025
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NNoSS Conference 2025
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Healthy MindED Conference 2025
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School Business Management Conference 2025
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Patrons Dinner 2025


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NNoSS Online Conferences 24/25
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EdNorth TeachMeets 24/25
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Podcast Sponsorship

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Sponsorship Enquiry
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Sponsor testimonials

“I think it’s absolutely vital that the North East business community supports our educational sector, as ultimately we are providing support to the next generation of individuals that potentially could be joining our businesses and driving them forward.” – Commercial Supporter

Partner Schools