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Past Event

School Business Management Webinar – Data breaches: top tips for staying compliant


Wed 22nd May 2024

14:00pm - 15:00pm


For this the final of our School Business Management Webinars we will be joined by Becky Dixon & Joanne Atterton.

This webinar is designed to give you an overview and understanding of personal data breaches and what process you should follow if your school has a data breach. We will cover how to identify a breach, how to assess the severity, what actions to take to mitigate risk, what measures you can implement to prevent re-occurrence and when you should report a breach to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and/or the data subjects. We will also take a look at the most common breaches we see in schools in Veritaus capacity as Data Protection Officer for around 600 schools across England, and give you tips on how to try and avoid these.

Becky Dixon & Joanne Atterton
Joanne and Becky are experienced Information Governance practitioners, holding professional qualifications in freedom of information, data protection and information security. They are integral members of Veritaus schools team, providing expert advice and guidance to over 600 clients across the country. Jo and Becky assist clients with all manner of IG related issues including complex breach investigations, information sharing arrangements and data protection impact assessments. Their work has been invaluable in helping our school clients navigate the complexities of data protection in a practical and supportive way.

Free to Partner Schools
Free to NNoSS members
25 +VAT to Non Partner Schools

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If you are using the Zoom app from your laptop or PC, please ensure that you have the latest version installed prior to the event. Download and Install here:

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Event Overview

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