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The North East of England has the lowest proportion of coasting primary schools in the country

The North East and London are the country’s regions with the lowest proportions of coasting primary schools, according to updated Key Stage 2 data released  by the Government today.

Only 10 primaries (1%) in the region were identified as ‘coasting’, making them eligible for intervention and potential academisation. Five North East local authorities have no primary schools meeting the coasting definition; Darlington, Hartlepool, Newcastle, Redcar and Cleveland, and Sunderland.

The North East local authority with the highest proportion of coasting primaries is Middlesbrough at 4.88%. However, this is still a long way from the local authority with the highest proportion of coasting primaries in the country – Poole at 23.53%.

Overall, 477 primary schools in the country have been identified as meeting the Government’s definition of coasting.

The national statistics can be viewed here.

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