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North East schools ‘particularly encouraged’ to take part in EEF trial

Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start

Read Write Inc. Phonics is a comprehensive literacy programme for children learning to read in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and for children in Years 3 and 4 not yet reading age appropriately. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK’s primary schools.  Fresh  Start  rescues  children  in  Years  5‐8  working  below  expected  standards  in  reading.  Both   programmes start with the systematic teaching of phonics. Storybooks re matched to the sounds they know so that children develop accuracy, speed and confidence.

Schools receive:

  • Two whole school training days for up to 45 staff including the headteacher
  • Three to six development days per year, depending on the school’s starting point for teaching reading
  • Two places on three leadership training days

Why is the EEF funding a trial of these programmes?

Fresh Start has been tested through a previous EEF efficacy trial involving ten secondary schools and 433 Year7 pupils. The study randomised pupils within each of the schools and focused particularly on pupils who did not achieve a level 4 on their Key Stage 2 SATs. The project found a positive impact on all pupils of an additional three months’ progress over the course of an academic year. Read Write Inc. Phonics uses identical techniques with younger children to ensure all children learn to read quickly and confidently.

Who can participate in this trial?

Recruitment is  now  open  for  120  primary  schools  to  participate  in  this trial. All primary schools in England that have not yet received full training from Ruth Miskin Training to deliver Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start can participate. Primary schools in the North East are particularly encouraged to take part as part of the EEF’s North East Primary Literacy Campaign.

Of the schools that agree to participate, 60 will be randomly allocated to receive Read Write Inc.  Phonics and Fresh Start. The other  60  schools will act as a business as  usual  control group,  continuing  with  their  normal  teaching  of  reading  and  support for struggling readers  and  receiving a  financial  incentive for  taking  part in  the  project.

What will schools that participate in the trial do?

Schools who sign up to participate in the trial will either be selected to deliver the Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start programmes between September 2016 and July 2018, or to act as a control school until August 2018.  After this the control schools are free to deliver the Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start programmes.  All schools will supply basic information on pupils to the project team and a test in reading in Year 2 at the end of the study period.

How will schools be selected to be a programme or control school?

Schools will be randomly selected to participate as either a Programme School or a Control School. As selection is randomly undertaken schools have an equal chance of being selected to either group. Programme Schools will deliver Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start between September 2016 and July 2018.  Control Schools will continue until August 2018 with their normal teaching of reading and support for struggling readers.

When will schools know if they have been selected to be a Programme School or Control School?

Randomisation of schools into programme or control will occur in phases, monthly, beginning on April 19th, May 19th, June 19th and so on. Schools who sign  up to participate in the trial during  this period will be informed if they are  programme or control school following the randomisation  dates  outlined here.

What will Programme Schools or Control Schools receive and commit to do?

Programme Schools will:

  • Agree to deliver he programme in KS1 and KS2 between September 2016 and July 2018.
  • Receive free staff training and ongoing support and development days from Ruth Miskin Training during the trial.
  • Be eligible for a 20% discount from Oxford University Press to purchase all Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start resources during the These can be ordered from April 25th 2016.

 Control Schools will:

  • Agree to wait to deliver Read Write Inc. Phonics and Fresh Start in their school until August 2018.
  • Receive £3000 for participating as control schools between September 2016 and July 2018.
  • Be eligible for a 20% discount from  Oxford  University

If you school wants to participate, please contact Chris Zarraga.

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