North East Challenge endorsed by ‘poverty Tsar’ Alan Milburn
The North East Challenge has been cited by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission as one of the ways that the region is ‘making a concerted effort to close the attainment gap’.
The second annual ‘State of the Nation’ report by the Commission report makes stark reading. In it warnings are given that at current rates the country faces missing the 2020 targets for ending social inequality. Twelve clear reccomendations are given, calling on education, parents, business and government to all play there part in tackling these issues.
SCHOOLS NorthEast Director Beccy Earnshaw said:
“We welcome the inclusion of the North East Challenge in the State of the Nation report by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission.
“We first identified a challenge approach for the region back in 2009, this way we can collectively address the significant challenges of ensuring all our young people have the best possible outcomes from cradle to career.
“In the North East we have one of the highest levels of child poverty and as the State of the Nation report recommends; only by working collaboratively across education, business and government will we be able to try and tackle this social inequality.
“Alan Milburn spoke at our Summit just over a week ago, commending North East school leaders for what they have achieved in our schools so far.
“Clearly schools do not operate in isolation and the future success of the North East will depend upon all the key players in the region coming together around joined up solutions.”
Read more at: North East schools plan praised by poverty tsar Alan Milburn (The Chronicle)