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National Schools Commissioner to step down

Sir David Carter, who has been in the role since 2016, will step down at the end of this academic year.

Sir David announced his retirement in a video published on the 27th April, saying that he has had “the most amazing, brilliant leadership journey” in “a role that I feel incredibly privileged to have the opportunity to undertake”.

However, he still insists that he will ‘play a role’ with multi-academy trusts in the future.

Sir David has a 20+ year career in education, previously working as the first regional schools commissioner for the south-west and the chief executive of the Cabot Learning Federation.

Speaking of the National School Commissioner’s retirement, Education Secretary Damian Hinds said: “(Sir David) has drawn on his wealth of experience in the classroom and at the forefront of academy trusts to nurture innovative approaches that have helped raised standards across the country.

“I wish him the best of luck in the future and look forward to appointing a new commissioner who can build on this work so that we continue to give all children the education they deserve.”

Sir David Carter will be the key note speaker at the SCHOOLS NorthEast Academies Conference on the 10th May in Newcastle. To find out more about the day and to book, click here.

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