More than 500 primary schools below floor target
More than 500 primary schools are below the government’s floor standard this year, official figures show.
The statistics from the Department for Education, show that 511 mainstream primaries were below the floor standard in 2017 meaning that 4 per cent of primaries are below the threshold this year.
The number is 154 fewer than last year, when 665 mainstream primaries in England were below the floor standard.
But the proportion of schools below the floor standard ranges from 1 per cent in London to 5 per cent in the South West and the Midlands.
Schools meet the floor standard if at least 65 per cent of pupils reach the expected standard in reading, writing and maths or the school achieves sufficient progress score in all three subjects.
This means that to be below the floor standard, a school must be below both the attainment and progress measures. The floor standard is the same as last year.
Read the full article on the Tes.