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‘Smashing the barriers’ to success – Kenton’s new Principal on tackling disadvantage

On September 1st 2015 it was my great privilege to become Principal of Kenton School. Over the summer break I spent a great deal of time reflecting on the opening address I would give to the staff at Kenton School (knowing this may be one of the most important speeches I give all year to them). My opening speech had the added challenge of coming from a new Principal who had in July been the Head of School!

I wanted to ensure, like so many other leaders, I conveyed my values to the school and enthused the staff I am about to lead.

I wanted to share what I wrote and hope the sentiments I shared with Kenton Staff echo the values of other schools in the North East.

I have worked in a mixture of schools both advantaged and disadvantaged, I come from a town, that nationally, is known to be disadvantaged and I know from personal and professional experience that the biggest difference we can make is to provide an outstanding education to all students, but particularly those who are disadvantaged.

Working at Kenton is a choice we all have made and we all know that there are other schools that are less challenging, yet we have chosen to be here.

We want to ensure we provide our students with the best qualifications and outcomes; that making outstanding progress is our number one priority.

It isn’t easy.

Low literacy, low KS2 starting points compared to National Averages, poor attendance and punctuality; challenging behaviours combined with low expectations occasionally from students and parents.

What would have been easy would be to patronise some of our students and just accept this this is what the “poor bairns” are capable of, but at Kenton we don’t.

As I lead Kenton I will accept barriers exist (and there are more than those mentioned) but I won’t accept they can’t be overcome. I believe together we can smash the barriers.

Our biggest success stories in recent years have come from Kenton staff working together on a common goal of overcoming the barriers.

Ever since I have been teaching, my favourite day has been GSCE results day and this year was no exception. As I stood watching so many students genuinely delighted with their results, I also saw our outstanding Kenton teachers sharing the joy of their students’ results. This day always reminds me of what is absolutely crucial in a school; Teaching and Learning.

It is what we do!

I want to ensure Teaching and Learning is at the very heart of all we do. That we learn from each other, share with each other. That we learn to take risks; in order to develop our own practice. That we enjoy our teaching; and we enjoy developing our teaching, that we focus our time on this. Not to be outstanding teachers for Ofsted, but to be outstanding because it is what we want as teachers.

We do of course have numerous challenges in the year ahead including a very imminent Ofsted inspection, but if we focus on working together, supporting each other and believing we can make the progress our students deserve; we will have a great year.

Sarah Holmes-Carne is Principal of Kenton School in Newcastle 

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