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Jobs in Schools | North East sees successful launch

The region’s new recruitment portal, created by schools for schools, is a growing success.

Jobs in Schools | North East launched two weeks ago, and SCHOOLS NorthEast is delighted to reveal that 1,200 website users visiting the jobs board in the first week alone. This has now grown to nearly 2,000.  Early bird schools have benefited from having their vacancies viewed 7,000 times, but the number of page views has now risen to 11,850!

We promised to deliver a variety of teaching and non-teaching jobs, and already we have seen a wide range of roles advertised from Head Teachers to Sports Coach and Director of Finance to Cleaners, and many, many more. Vacancies are being added daily to an ever-growing list of exciting opportunities in our region.

If your school has not yet signed up and would like access to unlimited vacancy listing for a small annual fee, please visit or email for more information.

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