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Jamie Carragher helps Newcastle School for Boys pupil surpass fundraising target

Jack Lewis, a pupil of Newcastle School for Boys, has succeeded in his fundraising efforts with the help of footballer Jamie Carragher.

Bags of Hope

Jack, 10, was born with a rare condition, Exomphalos Major, where his bowel, intestines and liver were outside of his body. This is a condition that only affects two in 5,000 children. This is something that Jack shares in common with ex-Liverpool and England footballing star, Jamie Carragher.

Since Jack’s birth, he has been in and out of hospital over 50 times and he has had surgery regularly since he was 5 months old. In light of this, Jack is raising funds to provide hope and smiles to children who are currently undergoing medical care in the local area by gifting them ‘bags of hope’ and friendship including a book, cuddly toy and other treats.

Jack had a target of raising £2000 which he shared with his school community at Newcastle School for Boys. This reached Sky Sports News presenter Pete Graves, who made contact with Jamie Carragher to tell him of Jack’s campaign. Jamie made the donation of £500 to help Jack hit his £2000 milestone.

Character Compass

Along with his donation, Jamie sent Jack a video of support expressing what great work Jack was doing to bring joy to those children undergoing medical care.

Head Master of Jack’s school, Newcastle School for Boys, Mr David Tickner said:

‘We’re incredibly proud of all of Jack’s fundraising efforts in addition to his own battles he has faced. One of our core aims at the School is to develop character which is underpinned by our character compass. The compass focuses on community, integrity, resilience, courage, leadership and empathy. It’s fair to say that Jack is the embodiment of all these character traits.’

Chris Zarraga, Director of Schools North East, commented:

“Congratulations to Jack for his inspirational  campaigning and fundraising success. We were delighted to hear that this student’s story has reached so many and that Newcastle School for Boys has supported him in his efforts. Well done to all those involved and best of luck to Jack.”

If you would like to donate to Jack’s cause, you can do so via his GoFund me page Fundraiser by Sarah Lewis : Jack’s Friendship bags of hope.

Newcastle School for Boys is a Schools North East Partner School. If you’d like to find out more about our Partner School Programme click here.

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