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North East pupils turn BBC journos for the day

More than 1,000 schools are taking part in the BBC News School Report today, 10 March, including 30 from the North East.

This is School Report’s 10th annual News Day and around 30,000 school reporters around the UK were tasked with gathering stories by 2pm and publishing them online by 4pm.

Pupils are also going on air and online on the BBC throughout the day, from the Today programme to BBC News at Six. A map of participant schools, including those in the North East, is available here. You can also follow their stories on the BBC live feed here.

For the BBC News School report, pupils at Northumberland Church of England Academy are working with the University of Oxford on a research project titled ‘Teen Sleep’.

Northumberland CofE is the very first out of 100 schools across the UK to take part in the 10-week pilot scheme and they are already monitoring their sleep.

As part of the trials, Year 10 and Year 11 students at the school:

  • Attend a sleep education programme, which sets out how to make sure they get a good night’s sleep, for example by avoiding screen-based activity late in the evening
  • Complete a sleep diary before and after receiving the sleep education programme

And a sub-group of 20 Year 10 pupils wear two wrist devices for two weeks, to monitor their sleep patterns.

You can find out more about the exciting Oxford University study in which Northumberland students play a key role here.

If your school was part of the BBC News School Report, we’d like to know more! Please contact us with more information, quotes, pictures.

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