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Wrigleys Solicitors LLP

Wrigleys Solicitors LLP is a specialist charity law firm with offices in Leeds, Newcastle and Sheffield. Wrigleys provides practical advice and assistance to schools converting to academy status.

Our Academies Team includes the expertise of 14 partners, solicitors and consultants experienced in advising schools on the conversion to academy status and a wider team of specialists who can assist with issues that may be relevant to your school. Our lawyers have particular sector experience having worked in Local Authorities and at the Charity Commission, serving as school and academy governors, participating on advisory bodies and as charity trustees.

Our expertise and experience includes advising educational charities, independent schools, maintained schools, academies and free schools. We have so far helped over 100 schools with their journey to convert to academy status, including providing ongoing support to those that have successfully converted.

We are ranked as one of the top 20 national charity law firms in the UK and the leading charity law firm in the North East.

Main contacts

Graham Shaw

Alacoque MarvinĀ

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Contact Details

Graham Shaw

0113 244 6100

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