Whatever stage you are at in your career, it makes sense to keep your finances in good shape. Milsted Langdon Financial Planning specialises in working with teachers and other education sector staff, tailoring our advice to individual needs, goals and tolerance to risk. We aim to give Support for headteachers’ duty of care, including free cascade of information to teaching and non – teaching staff and free updates.
Support for headteachers’ duty of care
- Contribution levels, changes to contributions and options to increase
- The change of Teachers’ Pension Scheme and Local Government Pension Scheme to career average revalued earnings schemes
- Commutation (giving part of a pension in return for an immeadiate one-off payment)
- Pension planning in order to retain child benefit
- Phased retirement
- Early retirement
- Dependants’ benefits
- Ill health
Savings and investments
Personal and family protection planning
Long-term care planning
Tax planning