Durham County Council Commercial Services have been supporting schools and academies across the region for over 40 years. We provide a wide range of support services to schools, these services include:
Building and Facilities
We ensure that arrangements are in place, so your buildings, plant and equipment are maintained to a safe and efficient standard in accordance with all relevant statutory legislation and industry regulations.
We provide schools with advice in relation to school meals, including statutory compliance for Education England.
Education Support and Development
We offer evidence based, consistent, high-quality support for leaders and staff in schools, academies, and other educational institutions regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Energy Management
Energy and water are significant costs for any school or academy budget. We are here to help you monitor, control and where possible reduce these costs through energy efficiency.
Grounds Arboriculture and Playground Inspection
We offer tree and playground inspection services which support schools meet their legal duties in respect of the relevant legislation.
Health and Safety
We will work in partnership to provide proportionate, prioritised, cost-effective risk-based solutions so that health and safety risks are managed.
We aim to empower senior leaders, governors, and trustees to deal with employment issues and provide you with support to enable you to manage your employees well.
ICT Services
We offer support in several areas, including broadband, telephony, internet content filtering, learning cloud service, ICT installations, ICT support, and management information systems (MIS).
Inclusion and SEND
We offer support, including training and school development across several areas, including cognition and learning, communication and interaction, counselling, emotional wellbeing and mental health, hearing and vision support, psychology, sensory and movement, and speech support.
Occupational Health Service (OHS)
We offer a wide range of services to ensure the health, fitness and wellbeing of your staff, as well as making sure you comply with relevant legislation.
Parks and Countryside
Our parks and countryside service delivers a range of outdoor learning opportunities to schools and groups from County Durham and the surrounding areas.
Payroll and Employee Services
We provide payroll and staff transactional services to a range of customers including schools, academies, multi-academy trusts, colleges, pension providers, and town and parish councils.
Pest Control
Whether it’s advice and support to keep pests at bay, a one-off programme of treatment to get rid of rats, mice, wasps, fleas, cockroaches and more, or a service agreement, we offer a wide range of services to suit your individual needs.
We have a wide range of ready-made, easy-to-use contracts and frameworks that will help you to procure goods and services. We’ll support you through the whole process and provide you with contractual protection and peace of mind.
We have developed a support package and specialised training courses to deliver an integrated solution to safeguarding and child protection.
Email us: commercialservices@durham.gov.uk
Find out more: durhamcommercialservices.co.uk
Follow us on LinkedIn: DCC Commercial Services
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/DCC_CommServ
Contact Details
Durham Commercial Services
03000 263516