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BTS Spark

BTS Spark are one of the largest tried and tested provider of coaching and leadership development for schools globally. We are the not-for-profit education practice within one of the world’s largest coaching organisations (BTS) and have been working with school leaders since we were first founded in the UK, 15 years ago. In our early days we worked with the National College of School Leadership to support some of the very first NLE cohorts and today we partner with key providers such as the Institute of Education on their NPQEL programme, Sixth Form Colleges Association, and the NEU as well as many individual schools, MATs and teaching schools right across the country.  To date we have worked with over 13,000 education leaders across the UK, Australia and North America.

Our work is all about shifting mindsets, unlocking potential, and building leadership capability. As coaching experts, we also work with schools to build more of a coaching culture or enable mentors and line managers to utilise more of a coaching approach in their work. In addition to this we importantly do a lot to boost staff well-being – always focused on what is in people’s control – how they manage themselves and their own responses, how they manage relationships and how to regain their spark or sense of purpose, which is often key to unlocking greater agency and perspective.

We are specialists in shifting perspectives to enable lasting behaviour change. This is so often the missing piece in professional development. Our professional development programmes compliment the NPQ qualifications by focusing on generic domains of effective leadership. Whilst we have many ‘ready-to-go’ programmes focused on common development needs, we also love creating bespoke programmes for our partners. 

We have been delivering virtually (as well as face-to-face) for over ten years, and offer highly flexible, personalised, affordable and scalable leadership solutions, delivered via 1:1 coaching, small group coaching or via workshops (or a blend of these), supported by online leadership insights and reflection exercises.  

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Leadership Coaching Opportunity

2 x 60 min coaching session with your own experienced leadership coach via Zoom as well as access to an on-line self evaluation tool. Special offer to SNE £99 ( normal cost £320).

For more information click here.

SNE Commercial Supporters