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Case Studies

Keren Wild

Service manager of NYES Digital. Keren has worked in the Education IT sector for 30 years, supporting schools through various National and Local Government initiatives in implementing IT across all areas of the School and Education sectors. Alongside getting screwdrivers out to fix IT kit in School offices and classrooms, Keren has been involved in the growth and changes in the MIS Market, introduced the Internet to Schools and works with Broadband providers and the DfE to try and ensure Schools have the right bandwidth capacities to meet their needs today and in the future.

Keren also has an extensive knowledge of Cyber Security and Online Safety in Education and how this is paramount to keeping the Schools, alongside its pupils and staff safe and resilient. Keren’s motivations come from working with Schools to try and make a difference and to make systems more efficient and effective.

IT is forever evolving, and Keren is forever building on ideas and being creative, building new services that Schools will see great outcomes from and probably didn’t understand why it was needed in the first place, but now cannot live without it. Keren has an MBA and a Degree in Politics, Economics and Psychology and it a Microsoft Certified Professional and Trainer.