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Case Studies

Jenna Charlton

Dr Jenna Charlton is a Research Associate at Newcastle University Department of Speech and Language Sciences. She is also the Clinical Lead for Inequalities for the North East and North Cumbria Child Health and Wellbeing Networks Integrated Care Service (NENC CHWN ICS) and Impact Lead for charitable organisation North East Wellbeing.

Dr Charlton’s research interests are exploring the relationship between language and behaviour in children with particular focus on early identification and intervention. Dr Charlton is the co-author of the Early Language Identification Measure (ELIM) which is operationalised nationally within Health Visiting and Early years practice. She is the academic lead on a social prescribing project for vulnerable children in the North East and North Cumbria Region which integrates health, education, social and VCSE sectors at a community level to support children and their families long-term. Dr Charlton lectures in Research Methods and has extensive experience of quantitative methodologies and analysis.