Mike Butler
Mike is Chief Executive of the Education Village Academy Trust in Darlington, a family of schools encompassing mainstream and specialist provision for children and young people aged 2 to 19, with an ethos that is inclusive and child-centred. Mike have held a wide range of leadership roles in schools, trusts and national organisations during a career in the education sector spanning more than three decades.
Earlier in his career, Mike led the transformation of two very different inner-city secondary schools, via the takeover of a failing school, into one of the first ever academies, which opened in 2003, when he became the Principal. The academy’s success was recognised by numerous national awards.
Mike then led the creation of a multi-academy trust (MAT), incorporating primary, secondary and post-16 provision. He was Chief Executive of the MAT, which co-sponsored and established a technical academy, and grew their primary provision. Mike has also been a consultant, and course facilitator for national leadership programmes, and has held a number of board positions over the years, including having been: a member of a special schools trust; a trustee of the National e-Learning Foundation (which works to overcome the digital divide and improve access); and a Director and Chair of the Independent Academies Association (the original sector body for academy leaders). Mike is also currently a member of the Education Strategy Group in Darlington.