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NYES Offer

NYES Professional Governance Service Launches to Empower School Governance

The launch of the NYES Professional Governance Service designed to enhance governance in schools combining clerking and governance support under a united leadership. This service aligns with the government’s vision for robust and effective governance, aiming to support governing boards in driving positive educational outcomes.
The NYES Professional Governance Service offers a comprehensive package to all schools and Trusts, providing expert support, advice, and training. Recognising the increasing complexity of governance roles, the service ensures that governors and trustees can focus on their strategic responsibilities.
An annual Service level agreement includes:

Unlimited universal training delegate places each school year
Governors’ Toolkit updated every year with resources to support governors fulfil their roles
Half termly newsletter with key updates
Access to Modern Governor e-learning platform for all governors – a comprehensive suite of e-learning CPD courses
Advice and support from governance professionals where all term time queries are responded to within 24 hours

Investing in governance support is crucial for improving the quality of education.
The NYES Professional Governance Service provides expert guidance on various aspects, including safeguarding, health and safety, and educational leadership. By navigating the legal landscape and offering continuous learning opportunities, the service ensures that governing bodies remain compliant and effective.
With a wealth of resources and a supportive network, the NYES Professional Governance Service empowers governing bodies to make informed decisions and contribute positively to the educational community. This launch marks a significant step towards achieving excellence in school governance.
Find more about the service here.
External Governance ReviewsThe service also provides external governance reviews and health checks. The service works in conjunction with school improvement team to support schools and academies with external governance reviews. Governance reviews are tailored to the setting and may involve a desk top analysis of governance documentation, meetings with governors, trustees and school staff, questionnaires, observing meetings and the creation of action plans.
Areas for attention in a review include, but are not limited to:

how board members fully discharge their role as governors and charity trustees
the effect of board culture and behaviours on decision-making, including facilitating appropriate challenge and contribution, and on the culture and tone of an organisation
the impact of governance, including policies, practices and structuresthe effectiveness and impact of governance self-assessment and of the board’s actions in response to the previous external review
how the board sets and communicates strategy and ensures that this is always focused ultimately on student experience and outcomes
evidence of support, scrutiny and challenge of senior leaders
the quality and timeliness of reports from the executive to governors
how the board models and promotes good diversity practice
board composition and diversity, including cognitive diversity, and the impact of this on governance effectiveness and stakeholder confidence
governor recruitment, induction and development, plus succession-planning
the role, input and influence of the governance professional
governor, chair and senior leadership team dynamics and effectiveness of working relationships
the board’s triangulation with external and internal stakeholders.