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World Teachers Day: Why our region’s school staff are the best

Yesterday (October 5) marked World Teachers Day – one of our favourite days of the year!


Sure, there are no fireworks or pigs in blankets or hot cross buns, but we get the chance to celebrate and appreciate the amazing, gifted school colleagues we’re so fortunate to have across the globe.


And to us, that’s where the magic really is.


We might be biased, but we believe that the North East has the best teachers and education staff in the world for so many reasons, which is why we wanted to dedicate this article to you.


The colleague in Gateshead who has stayed late yet again, preparing for the upcoming Ofsted inspection to help their school get the best rating it can.


The colleague in Durham who continues to motivate and inspire students, despite lacking that kind of energy themselves.


The colleague in Newcastle who gives up their lunch breaks to offer extra tuition to students who need it most.


The colleague in Northumberland who jumps out of bed each morning with tenacity, forcing the increasing fatigue to one side.


The  colleague in Sunderland who has fed pupils with money from their own pockets in a bid to soften the devastating impact of the cost-of-living crisis.


The colleague in South Tyneside who takes the time to understand and listen to the ‘misbehaving’ kids, instead of opting straight for a punishment.


The  colleague in North Tyneside who’s struggling to make ends meet but refuses a new career path because they know their students need them too much.


The colleague in Darlington who uses their skills and determination to continuously exceed expectations…despite a regional rep that suggests otherwise.


Yes, this article is for you and everything you do for our region’s students! To mark World Teachers Day, here are just a few examples of why the North East has the best teachers, support staff, teaching assistants, and school business managers in the world.


You rise to the challenge of Ofsted inspections


An upcoming Ofsted inspection is enough to send a chill down your spine on a red hot August afternoon. It can make the most confident of teachers feel anxious, and at times these inspections can be inconsistent and unpredictable.


But as it stands, an inspection is non-negotiable, and colleagues either crumble under pressure or rise to the challenge.


Fortunately, staff in our schools have been doing the latter, and there are now 251 ‘Outstanding’ schools in the North East. Wow, take a moment and let that figure sink in.


This doesn’t happen overnight; such a fantastic outcome is a result of NE staff’s relentless hard work, sacrifices, determination, and skill.


If we look at some recent examples, Wyvern Academy in Darlington jumped from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’ in September; Thornaby Academy in Stockton-on-Tees celebrated an ‘Outstanding’ judgement with no highlighted areas for improvement; and St Peter’s Catholic College in Middlesbrough finally achieved a ‘Good’ rating after receiving ‘Requires Improvement’ in 2019 and ‘Inadequate’ before that.

We love a success story that takes us on a journey.


However, it’s important to remember that even if your own school didn’t get the rating you’d hoped for, you’re still a remarkable colleague. The inspection framework fails to judge so many critical things, and what it certainly fails to assess accurately is your individual character, work ethic, passion, and talent.


To all the colleagues who were involved in a successful Ofsted inspection: Well done, you’re brilliant!

To all the colleagues who weren’t involved in a successful Ofsted inspection: Well done, you’re brilliant!


You were responsible for our 2023 results day success


On August 17 and 25, students across the North East received their exam results – and what a fantastic two days those were.


At A Level, 22 percent of students in our region received an A or A* grade, and six percent achieved an A*. In terms of GCSEs, 65 percent of students received a grade 4 or above and almost 18 percent received a 7 or above.


And let’s not forget about KS2 results. In September, it was revealed that 60 percent of North East pupils reached the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths in 22/23, which was the second highest percentage in England!


How was such magic able to exist? Was it sorcery? No, it was the result of our school staff’s hard graft and exceptional talents.


These cohorts endured a hugely disrupted education, and yet they were able to produce some incredible results that have strengthened our community further. And that was because of you.


We know the playing field isn’t level – far from it, in fact – and yet you’ve stayed focused, utilised the resources you had, and as a result, you helped the region continue to shine despite the constant efforts to dull our sparkle.


Special thanks to our Partner School colleagues


All of our region’s education staff are amazing, but we couldn’t finish this article without giving a special nod towards our Partner School teachers.


Our Partner Schools are at the heart of everything we do; we’re the ultimate dream team. Partner Schools look beyond their own school gates to create an inclusive network led by schools.


They demonstrate a unique commitment towards our mission, and their support means Schools North East is able to successfully be the voice, glue, and bridge that helps drive valuable, long-lasting change.


We were able to enjoy much success ourselves in the 22/23 academic year (such as holding 43 events, producing 66 policy briefings, and various local and national press coverage), and none of that would have been possible without the support of our 700 Partner Schools!


If your school isn’t yet a Partner School – or if you’re unsure of your status – take a look at our brochure.


You go above and beyond, even when you don’t realise it


All teachers, support staff, teaching assistants, and school business managers deserve more than just one day of appreciation per year, and we hope you know that, at Schools North East, it really is a daily celebration for us.


From the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU!

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