Updated statutory guidance on looked-after children published
Earlier this week the Government published updated statutory guidance on the designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children and promoting the education of looked-after and previously looked-after children. The former is more relevant for schools, whereas the latter is more useful to local authorities and Virtual School Heads.
· The biggest change for schools is that the designated teacher for looked-after children will now also have responsibility for previously looked-after children. The additional work this generates will of course vary by school. A previously looked-after child is one who is no longer looked after because s/he is the subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order which includes arrangements relating to with whom the child is to live, or when the child is to live with any person, or has been adopted from ‘state care’.
· There will still be no automatic identification of previously looked-after children. Identification and access to Pupil Premium Plus will therefore continue to rely on self-identification. Where parents are unable to provide clear evidence of their child’s status, designated teachers will need to use their discretion. In such circumstances, designated teachers could discuss eligibility with the Virtual School Head (VSH) to agree a consistent approach.
· There are useful questions for school leaders and governors on page 9 of the Designated Teacher document. The questions centre around ensuring the Designated Lead for Looked After Children has appropriate seniority and professional experience, training opportunities, knowledge of SEN, developing the understanding of other school staff who are likely to be involved in supporting looked-after and previously looked-after children to achieve, resource implications, accessing external expertise and monitoring.
· The documents now contain a greater emphasis on pupil mental health, SEN and further guidance on how to use Pupil Premium.
SCHOOLS NorthEast is hosting their annual HealthyMindED conference, focusing on children’s mental health in schools, on the 24th May. To find out more and to book your ticket, click here.