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The Secretary of State for Education speaks at departmental questions

On Tuesday, MPs scrutinised the Secretary of State for Education during departmental questions in the House of Commons. While Gavin Williamson was present in the chamber, other MPs joined by video.

This was Rebecca Long Bailey’s first time at the despatch box as Shadow Secretary of State. Her questions focussed on speculation about the ‘reopening’ of schools, and the need for a national plan on how to ensure that the health of children would be protected when they return to school. In response, the Secretary of State re-emphasised that the government would follow the scientific advice, and that there would be a phased approach with an aim to ensure maximum notice is given to schools, though again did not state what this would be. 

Further questions were asked from other politicians, particularly around home learning, the impact of this on disadvantaged children, and what the government is doing to protect vulnerable children.

Gavin Williamson pointed to those initiatives which have already been announced, such as the £100 million ​to provide devices and internet access to vulnerable children, the provision of resources by the BBC, and the setting up of the Oak National Academy Trust. Concern was raised though about the time that most schools would have to wait before receiving this equipment.

When asked about the impact of the current lockdown on mental health, Gavin Williamson noted that the government had ‘committed £5 million of funding to support charities to help children with mental health concerns and issues while they are at home.’

Vicky Ford, the minister for children and families, also answered questions on Early Years settings, and the long term sustainability of the sector, saying that ‘the Government will continue paying local authorities for the hours that [they] normally fund’.

Throughout the debate, several politicians thanked teachers for the work they were doing. Robert Halfon, chair of the education committee, commented on teachers and support staff who ‘have been doing everything possible to teach children of critical workers and vulnerable children over the past few weeks’. Gavin Williamson reiterated this, and joined MPs in thanking schools for remaining open during the coronavirus lockdown. 

While it is welcome that politicians are thanking schools for remaining open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children, it is important to recognise the wider work teachers are doing to provide support and education to those children not attending school. Schools North East will continue to push for the recognition of the extra responsibilities that schools have taken on.

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