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South Hylton Academy Meets a Pioneer

South Hylton Primary Academy, in Sunderland, celebrated American Black History Month this year with a meeting between students and Sophia Danenberg, an American mountain climbing pioneer. South Hylton is part of the Laidlaw Schools Trust.

Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated in both the UK and the United States. While the UK usually celebrates in October, in America February is the month dedicated to celebrating and learning about Black history and culture.

Sophie Danenberg

The Year 3 children at South Hylton have been studying both mountains and Black History Month this term and were lucky enough to meet and speak to Sophie Danenberg.

Sophia Danenberg is an American mountain climber best known as the first African American and the first black woman to climb to the summit of Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain and she was kind enough to call the school all of the way from the USA so that the children could ask her some questions.

Fiona Fairless, class teacher at South Hylton commented: 

“We have worked really hard to bring Black History month alive and rather than just teach it as a discrete event, we have woven it through our curriculum. So, meeting Sophia, the first African American and the first black woman to climb to the summit of Mount Everest, was an amazing opportunity for our Children.’ 

Students were inspired by the session, with Poppy from Year 3 adding: 

“It was interesting when she talked about some of the different mountains she has climbed, especially, as we had heard about some of them through our geography topic.” 

Chris Zarraga, Director of Schools North East noted:

“Well done to South Hylton for enriching their curriculum with this exciting meeting with Sophia Danenberg. Black History Month is not only an important chance to raise awareness of racial equality but an excellent opportunity to celebrate Black innovators and pioneers. I’m sure meeting Sophia and getting to ask her questions directly will stick with students for a long time.”

South Hylton Primary Academy is a Schools North East Partner School. If you’d like to find out more about our Partner School Programme click here.

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