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Schools North East’s 7th annual School Business Management conference 2019

This is the biggest event of its kind in the country, and was the most successful one yet.

Over 320 school business managers from across the North East came together despite the torrential rain to discuss ‘The Big Questions’:

How do we reshape the narrative so the North East is recognised as a hotbed of educational excellence?

How do we make the region an educational exemplar – a destination of choice for teachers?

How do we drive the agenda to tackle the greatest issues that impact on our schools?

The Real David Cameron kicked the day off with a keynote session on “Leadership – reality, myth or burden? – The Big Questions for Business Managers”, entertaining the audience with his practical wisdom, set to music, animated slides and some very interesting dance moves!

Delegates also enjoyed keynote sessions delivered by Matthew Clements-Wheeler, Chair of ISBL and the North East’s very own Sarah Dixon-Jones, Head Teacher at Mill Hill and Houghton Community Nursery Schools. These sessions discussed with delegates how to answer the Big Ethical Questions and the personal Big Questions that face our school leaders in ever more challenging times.


Delegates also enjoyed a busy exhibition with 73 exhibitors filling the main room, and a range of sessions that were delivered throughout the day.

We received lots of positive feedback, and the day was a huge success!

With many thanks to our main sponsor Ward Hadaway law firm.

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