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Schools North East to support 2021 Lord Glenamara Awards

For the second consecutive year, Schools North East is proud to support the Lord Glenamara Memorial Prize Pastoral Care Award. 

We all know just how difficult the past year has been for all school staff and students. With the impact of Covid-19 and lockdown taking a huge toll on wellbeing, there has been a huge focus placed on supporting the mental health of pupils and staff alike. We know pastoral teams across the region have been doing amazing things to look after their whole school communities and now is the chance to celebrate the fantastic work they have been doing. 

The Pastoral Care Award is for a teacher or team who shows dedication to supporting student or staff mental health and wellbeing, and has demonstrated impact in supporting ‘at risk’ learners. Another aspect is educating others about the importance of pastoral care in schools, as well as building respect and trust of both pupils or the school community. 

As well as the Pastoral Care Award, there are a number of other awards celebrating Head Teachers, Careers Leads and subject teachers. 

Nominations for educational professionals can be made by:

Teachers, Head Teachers and Principals

Governors and Trustees

Academy Trust CEOs

Directors of Children’s Services (Local Authorities)

Local Enterprise Partnerships


The winner of last year’s Lord Glenamara Award was Emma Piper from Red Hall Primary, Darlington for her 1:1 work supporting at risk learners in Early Years,as well as supporting their families. Emma’s work helped to achieve the best possible outcomes for these students, providing opportunities that may not have been possible otherwise, and has now been used as a model of best practice across the local authority. 

If you know someone who has shown outstanding pastoral care, or a team that has gone above and beyond during the last year, help us celebrate their achievements. You can nominate using The Lord Glenamara Memorial Awards nominations form. Nominations close on 31 March 2021.

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