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Redcar & Cleveland fifth in top performing LAs

A great majority of pupils in Redcar & Cleveland primary schools (87%) achieved level 4 or above in reading, writing and mathematics, at the same level with Greenwich and Sutton.

Redcar & Cleveland and Trafford are the only Local Authority areas in the top 10 highest-attaining that are outside of London.


The national average of all primary school pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths stands at 80%. This means that only 1 in 5 pupils did not achieve this level in 2015, compared to 1 in 3 in 2010.

The Department for Education called the latest results proof that “impressive progress in English schools continues”.

Schools Minister Nick Gibb said: “As part of this Government’s commitment to extending opportunity for all, it is essential that every child leaves primary school having mastered the basics in reading, writing and maths – thanks to our education reforms thousands more pupils each year are reaching those standards.

“The increased performance at primary level across the country demonstrates how this government is delivering on its commitment to provide educational excellence everywhere and ensure every child benefits from the best possible start in life, no matter where they come from.”

DfE Press Release: Impressive progress in English primary schools continues

DfE performance tables for primary schools in the North East

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