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Pupils thrive at Gibside School

Congratulations to Gibside School in Gateshead on their recent ‘Outstanding’ grade from Ofsted .

Gibside School is a Local Authority maintained primary specialist provision. In their inspection report, they received no recommendations for action and an overall  grade of ‘Outstanding’ at their first routine inspection since the pandemic began.

All pupils have a voice

The school opened its beautiful new site in February 2021. Gibside state their values as ‘an inclusive, happy and nurturing environment’, placing ‘education, equality and understanding at the heart of everything we do’. The school has first class resources with a hydrotherapy pool, food technology, sensory, i-muse and soft play rooms.

Ofsted visited Gibside in June and released their findings in September. Inspectors agreed with comments from parents that stated:

‘The school is an amazing place. They make sure that our child is educated in a way they can cope with, considering their complex mental and physical needs’.

Ofsted found that leaders ensure pupils have a voice and are taught a range of communication tools developed to their individual needs. There are clear routines for students and their behaviour is excellent. They also noted that bullying is rare, allowing students to feel safe at school. Ofsted call Gibside an ‘inspirational school’ with leaders who have ‘the highest expectations and an unrelenting ambition for the pupils in their care’.

Inspirational Children

Head Teacher, Angela Whistler, said:

“It is a privilege to be the Head Teacher at Gibside School. Our school has the most amazing and inspirational children who make us all very proud, every single day. We are also blessed with an outstanding and dedicated staff team.”

Pauline Aitchinson, Deputy Director of Schools North East commented:

“We are delighted to see that the hard work and qualities of the school have been once again recognised and Gibside continues to be an Outstanding school. When I visited Gibside last academic year, it was clear to see the effort of all those involved to provide a safe and bespoke learning environment for its students. Congratulations again, well deserved.”

To help all North East schools navigate the current inspection framework, we are holding our annual Ofsted Update in November.  To attend the event on November 24, click here:

We love to hear good news from North East Schools, to share your news with Schools North East please tag @SchoolsNE on Twitter or apply here:

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