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North East schools advised on careers guidance best practice by experts at FutureReady 2017 conference

FutureReady 2017 helped schools from across the region to access best practice in careers guidance, vital in making sure their pupils are equipped with the knowledge and experiences, along with the key attributes and attitudes, they need to succeed in the 21st century.

The annual conference focusing on good careers guidance in schools brought together more than 100 North East primary and secondary delegates.

A FutureReady 2017 primary school delegate said:

I found the event really helpful and thought provoking. We have started to write next year’s school development plan and included a lot of the topics that came from the conference into it. As a primary teacher it really helped me to focus on my responsibility to teach about different careers and the paths needed for them, along with ideas how to implement it into the curriculum.

Delegates were welcomed by Matthew Freeman, Director of Operations at V•Inspired who kindly sponsored the conference this year.

DSC_0044.JPGDr Anthony Mann of Education and Employers Taskforce, one of the keynote speakers for the day, gave delegates insights into employer engagement in education. He cited surveys conducted by the Taskforce which found that 53% of pupils consider their schools prepared them poorly for adult working life. Dr Mann said there is high demand from pupils for practical employability skills and more knowledge about how “the world of work works”.

Kehri Ellis, Chief Executive of the North Tyneside Learning Trust, discussed the current North East jobs market and what local opportunities exist currently and will be available for our region’s pupils in the future. Along with Denis Heaney and Lindsey Peek from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, Mrs Ellis announced the launch of a new careers toolkit which will help pupils become ‘future ready’.

The North East LEP toolkit is now available for schools and colleges to help young people understand the range of careers available to them here in the region. From Software Engineer to Horticulturist, the free North East Ambition Teachers’ Toolkit uses stories from real employees and includes four videos, all showcasing young people and the jobs and training they’re getting here in our region. Each of the four videos is accompanied by a teachers’ toolkit, including PowerPoint presentations and lesson plans. You can access the free North East Ambition toolkit here:

DSC_0048.JPGThe final keynote speaker of the day Ian Dormer CBE, the Managing Director of Rosh Engineering Ltd and former national Chairman of the Institute of Directors, explained to FutureReady 2017 delegates how schools can engage with businesses in a meaningful way. He advised schools to make it easy for the business by showcasing the pupils’ skills, suggesting a project they can undertake and making it very tailored and specific. Mr Dormer urged delegates to be proactive in seeking engagement with businesses “If you don’t ask, you don’t get!”.

7For the first time, this year’s conference held a business networking session where delegates were offered the opportunity to network and create meaningful links with North East businesses keen to collaborate with schools. Over 40 regional, national and international businesses attended.

Delegates had a choice of multiple workshops with content tailored for both primary and secondary school delegates. Topics included:

The volunteering effect (Michael Shaftoe and Ed Laschet, National Citizen Service)
Creativity and confidence: nurturing business leaders of the future (Charlotte Windebank and Alice Holliday, FIRST Face to Face)
Engaging employers: creating opportunities for students with special educational needs (Christine Shanks, Percy Hedley Foundation; Ian Young, TDR Training Ltd)
Auditing your school: how well do you use career and labour market information? (Denis Heaney and Lindsey Peek, North East LEP)
Raising Aspirations: 10 ways to integrate primary careers into your school (Laura Heads and Emma Garrick, Futures Consultancy)
Good practice in primary schools (Louise Parks, Bournmoor Primary School; Andrew Stogdale, Inspire2Learn).
Good practice in secondary schools (Iain Veitch, Park View School; Kelly Rose, Macmillan Academy; Claire Goodwill and Dawn Charlton, Excelsior Academy)

SCHOOLS NorthEast would like to thank all speakers, delegates and businesses that made FutureReady an incredible success, as well as a highly enjoyable day.

Special thanks go to our main sponsors for the day – V•Inspired, a volunteering charity committed to giving young people the confidence to shape their world.

We would also like to thank our supporters who exhibited during FutureReady 2017:

Global Bridge –
National Careers Service –
North East Local Enterprise Partnership –
North East Raising Aspiration Partnership –
Percy Hedley Foundation –
Rising Star Foundation CIC –
SkillForce –
Tyneside Cinema –
Youth Direction Careers+ –

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