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North East KS2 pupils amongst best in the country

Figures from the Department for Education on curriculum assessments at Key Stage 2 this year place the North East second nationally in pupil attainment.

The data shows that the highest performing Local Authority areas are concentrated in London and the North East, where the percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and mathematics was mostly between


Redcar and Cleveland is the joint fourth best performing LA area in the country, with 86%, just below Sutton (87%), Richmond upon Thames (88%) and Kensington and Chelsea (90%).

There have been significant changes in the performance of primary schools in our region, and below is a breakdown of LA area in the North East and what their KS2 assessment results have shown us for the past four years.


Attainment at KS2 in reading test, writing TA and mathematics test by LA, region and gender

South Tyneside recorded the second largest rise in attainment levels, up 7% from 2014 which was only bettered by Rutland (+11%).


Girls in our region have outperformed boys each year since 2012. Last year, the attainment gap was much more narrow, and this year’s statistics paint a stable picture, with both making similar progress.

Further reading: 

National curriculum assessments: key stage 2, 2015 (DfE release)

Primary school KS2 results 2015: The Key Points (Schools Week)

Primary pupils’ results edge upwards (BBC)

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