Media coverage of the Schools North East Summit
Following the announcement by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman yesterday at the Schools North East Summit, many regional and national media picked up on the story which placed a spotlight on the North East.
You can see some of the coverage here:
The Guardian
Ofsted inspectors to stop using exam results as key mark of success
The Independent
Ofsted to drop focus on exam results in school inspections, chief inspector says
FE News
Amanda Spielman sets out vision for new education inspection framework
The Telegraph
Amanda Spielman speech to the Schools North East summit
BBC News
Ofsted inspectors to move away from exams results focus
Channel 4
Ofsted to stop using exam results as key marker of success
The Times
Ofsted will look beyond exam grades to assess schools
Schools Week
Spielman to reveal new inspection judgment headings
Ofsted chief ‘horrified’ by accusations of knowledge bias in curriculum review
Spielman: Teachers ‘reduced to data managers’
Ofsted: ‘Our new inspections will reduce your workload’
Ofsted’s ‘shot across the bows’ for schools gaming the system
Financial Times