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Stroke of genius: Mary Astell Academy recruit a resident artist for spectacular project

Creativity takes courage, and sometimes we need a little help to access that part of ourselves. Fortunately for Mary Astell Academy, they had an artist residency working with pupils over a 12 week period to design and create graffiti murals. That should do the trick!

The resident artist, Dan Walls, worked with the school as part of the Glow Newcastle Artist Residency Programme.

Mary Astell Academy’s Key Stage 3 pupils worked on the graffiti project, which has been successful in creating name tags, a mural dedication, and a large artwork piece outside of the pupil entrance to the school.

Making mistakes is encouraged

Glow Newcastle worked with Mary Astell Academy to help recruit a resident artist, with pupils taking part in the panel for the interviews.

The graffiti work began with theory-based practice in the classroom for pupils to gain an understanding of how the final outcome is produced. Pupils were encouraged to try different techniques out – and make mistakes when drawing out different designs.

The resident artist Dan provided engaging sessions, allowing pupils to lead the work through following their interests and ideas. When creating the graffiti work, pupils showed great team building skills when stencilling, as well as emotional resilience when discussing their designs and mural meanings. Other pupils also showed positive reinforcement when viewing and engaging with the graffiti work. 

The pupils have grown in confidence through Dan’s consistent praise and the individualised support he offered.

Chris Zarraga, Director of Schools North East, said: “What a fantastic opportunity for the pupils at Mary Astell. Art is a crucial part of the curriculum as it encourages creativity, self-expression, and can build confidence.

“Huge thanks to Glow Newcastle and Dan Walls for enriching the learning experience for these pupils.”

“A great achievement and we’re all very proud”

The large artwork outside of the school’s pupil entrance – that they designed and created – shows off their incredible work, and all of the Key Stage 3 pupils have played a major role in its creation.

Sarah Bendalow, Assistant Head Teacher at Mary Astell Academy, said: “Working with Dan the graffiti artist was an amazing experience, it gave the pupils the opportunity to learn new skills and to build resilience. The pupils started small on class based activities practising their skills before attempting work on the wall. 

“After creating their own tags, along with Dan they came up with the final design that will welcome pupils to Mary Astell for a long time. I think it is safe to say that this is a great achievement and we are all very proud of what the pupils have achieved.”

Dan Walls, Resident Artist, said: “This project has been very rewarding for me and the young artists at Mary Astell Academy. Although the big mural in the entrance is vibrant and pretty, the project wasn’t entirely about its creation but more about what we all learned about ourselves along the way.

I believe the way I learn and teach has a lot to do with practice and experimentation. Often, when working on a large scale and with an unpredictable medium like spray paint, it can be overwhelming and mistakes are inevitable. Accepting these mistakes and not worrying about making them provides a great learning opportunity. Fixing mistakes quickly is a great way to

gain confidence and encourage us to relax and express ourselves.

One of the core values of the school is resilience, and I think we have all demonstrated a great deal of that. There were challenges along the way in how we communicated and developed as a team, but through perseverance and building resilience, we overcame so much and gave the students and staff something they can be very proud to call their own. I am incredibly proud of all we have achieved, and I am so glad I got this opportunity.”

Bex Mather, Founding Director of GLOW Newcastle, said “We’re incredibly pleased to have worked alongside the students and staff at Mary Astell Academy and the wider team at Prosper Learning Trust in this GLOW Newcastle Artist Residency. The inspirational artwork the students have produced with Dan’s guidance demonstrates creativity, skill and dedication. 

This project is a vibrant example of what can be achieved when young people’s creativity is supported and resourced. We’re working towards a future where all young people have equitable access to these high-quality cultural opportunities.”

Mary Astell Academy is a Schools North East Partner School . If you’d like to find out more about our Partner School membership, click here.

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