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Letter from Baroness Berridge highlights NNoSS

Barroness Berridge has written to School Business Professionls working in Special Schools highlighing the National Network of Special Schools for School Business Professionals. Schools North East is delighted to be delivering this network bringing together SBMs from across England.

‘Special schools have unique and often complex challenges that other schools don’t. There is a need for specialist peer-to-peer support, and I’m delighted to announce that on 6 July 2020 we launched the new National Network of Special Schools. Funded by the Department for Education, this network provides a crucial support mechanism for the unique challenges this group of schools will need to overcome over the coming months. This is a significant milestone and already has over 100 SBPs and 80 Local Authorities registered’.

Read the letter



Letter from Baroness Berridge highlights NNoSS

Barroness Berridge has written to School Business Professionls working in Special Schools highlighing the National Network of Special Schools for School Business Professionals. Schools North East is delighted to be delivering this network bringing together SBMs from across England.

‘Special schools have unique and often complex challenges that other schools don’t. There is a need for specialist peer-to-peer support, and I’m delighted to announce that on 6 July 2020 we launched the new National Network of Special Schools. Funded by the Department for Education, this network provides a crucial support mechanism for the unique challenges this group of schools will need to overcome over the coming months. This is a significant milestone and already has over 100 SBPs and 80 Local Authorities registered’.

Read the letter

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