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Kingsmeadow Sixth Form students set to enjoy state-of-the-art classroom block

Goodbye Portakabin, hello state-of-the-art building!

Students at Kingsmeadow received a very welcome surprise after returning from the recent half-term break. Instead of seeing the temporary Portakabin accommodation that Sixth Form students had called home for many months, they were greeted by a fantastic new building complete with all the bells and whistles.

Equipped with the latest technology to further enhance learning

Students are resuming the autumn term in a brand new purpose-built block designed to accommodate study and teaching space for all Sixth Form students.

In addition to the four classrooms on the ground floor, Kingsmeadow pupils will make great use of a common room and servery area. Even better, the building is fully accessible and kitted out with the latest technology to further enhance the learning experiences of the school’s students.

Mr Barrett, Head Teacher said: “Since expanding the school to incorporate a sixth form, three years ago, the provision has gone from strength to strength. The students of Kingsmeadow Community School and Sixth Form deserve the best and this new state of the art building provides them with that.

“The growing numbers of students who choose to stay with us into sixth form, along with those joining us from elsewhere, will have an improved learning experience, leading to improved results and improved life choices moving forwards.”

The dedicated space allows for more one-to-one time with teachers and support staff 

The state-of-the-art building was approved by Gateshead Council and built by Sir Robert McAlpine. Now, Kingsmeadow can offer even more future Sixth Form places, which is excellent news for the wider community, and gives a boost to current students to further develop the study skills that are essential for higher education, university and the world of work.

Another advantage of the new building is that its dedicated space allows for more one-to-one time with teachers and support staff, which is critical in supporting students as they apply for—and set themselves ready for—university education.

Chris Zarraga, Director of Schools North East, said: “Brilliant to hear that Kingsmeadow Sixth Form students are out of Portakbins and now learning in a modern building that will help them thrive. All of our region’s pupils deserve a quality space that will enhance their learning.”

Kingsmeadow is a Schools North East Partner School . If you’d like to find out more about our Partner School membership, click here.

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