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High Praise for Prince Regent Street Trust

Congratulations to Hartburn Primary School in Stockton-on-Tees on achieving a rating of ‘good’ following their most recent Ofsted inspection in February 2023. The school, which is part of the Prince Regent Street Trust, was highly praised for the quality of education it provides and for its curriculum offer which is underpinned by the three core principles of resilience, high expectations and local and global responsibilities.

Family-centred School Ethos

The Head Teacher of Hartburn Primary School, Claire Park said:

“I am so incredibly proud to lead such a passionate, exceptionally talented and nurturing staff team. We are absolutely thrilled with our Ofsted inspection outcome; our school continues to be a good school. The report recognises many of the unique characteristics of our exciting provision, including the very rich, wider curriculum offer which includes an array of residential visits; leadership and teamwork opportunities and community partnership work. We are incredibly proud of our family-centred school ethos and of our pupils who are incredible ambassadors. They are excellent role models who encompass the ‘Hartburn Hopes’; character virtues we all aspire to. Our regular newsletters and social media posts are testament to the memorable learning activities the children experience on a daily basis. The inspectors’ verbal feedback moved us to tears and the parent view responses reflected the school’s mission to support our families, as well as the children. Hartburn Primary School is a very happy place to be.”

The report outlined significant strengths relating to the core subjects, stating that ‘adults teach phonics effectively, and this helps pupils to learn to read well’ and that ‘leaders have high ambitions for pupils in mathematics’.

Hartburn Hopes

The school’s Chair of Governors, Claire Berry, said, “As a governing body, we took immense pride when we discussed our school with the Ofsted inspector. We provided examples of exceptional practice that the school demonstrates on a daily basis, which enables our children to have the best possible outcomes, within a safe and caring environment. The report gives us many reasons to be proud of our children and staff, but this does not mean that we will become complacent: we will remain forward facing on our journey of continuous improvement. The local governing body would like to thank all of our children, their families, staff and the wider school community for helping make Hartburn Primary School an incredible place for children to start their educational journey.”

Within the report there are many references to how effectively the school supports pupils’ personal development, for example, through the promotion of ‘Hartburn Hopes’: a set of core values which encourage pupils to ‘make the right choices and do the right thing’.

Pupils at Hartburn Primary School are encouraged to be ‘agents for change’ and are supported to be ‘active citizens’ who positively contribute to life in school and to their local community. Through those references it is clear that the school strives to instil core values in pupils which prepares them for the next stage of their education and for their future.

Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes were celebrated with specific references to how pupils ‘behave well’, and ‘respond quickly to instructions from adults to maximise the time spent learning’.

Leadership at all levels was highly praised, with the report stating how ‘governors put the interests of pupils at Hartburn at the core of all their decision making’ and how leaders ‘are mindful of staff workload and well- being’. This recognises the positive culture and ethos that has been created at Hartburn and how the well-being of pupils and staff is high on the agenda.

Prince Regent

Kay Steven, the Chair of Trustees for Prince Regent Street Trust, explained:

“As Chair of Prince Regent Street Trust, and previous Chair of Governors at Hartburn Primary School, I am extremely proud of the dedicated school and trust staff, leaders, governors and trustees who have all contributed to the success that has been captured in this first Ofsted inspection report that we have received since the trust was established in 2018. All stakeholders can be confident that the children in our schools have, and will always remain, at the heart of everything we do.” It is highlighted in the report that arrangements for safeguarding are effective, and how ‘leaders promote a culture of vigilance to ensure that pupils are safe’.

Julia Armstrong, CEO of the Prince Regent Street Trust said, “As the CEO of the trust, I am truly delighted with the outcome of the inspection and very proud of all of the staff and children for their ongoing hard work and commitment. We have very strong leaders, teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff across our schools who clearly ensure that our children get the very best education that they deserve. We have a well-established and proven track record with our school improvement strategy across the trust which is taking us from strength to strength. We work in partnership with a large number of schools across Teesside and together, we continue to strive for excellence for all of our children.”

Hartburn Primary School actively promotes Prince Regent Street Trust’s core values of excellence, opportunity and partnership, with the role, and positive impact of the trust recognised during the inspection process. Staff reported that ‘senior leaders and the trust create a working environment that is supportive’.

The trust’s relentless focus on school improvement and its investment in staff were celebrated in the report, with specific reference made to how ‘staff appreciate working together with other trust colleagues to share good practice’.

Keith Morrison, the trust’s Director of School Improvement reinforced that:

“The school is at the heart of the community, with leaders and staff working tirelessly to ensure every pupil in their care receives a unique educational experience, and where a culture of excellence permeates many aspects of school life. I have had the privilege to observe first-hand the quality of education provided by the school and it is obvious that the rich, broad and inspiring curriculum that has been specifically created, provides pupils with a strong foundation for the next stage of their learning and for later life. Leaders and staff at Hartburn Primary School are passionate, ambitious and outward facing. They work in partnership with our trust and partner schools in their continued drive for educational excellence.”

The school’s recent Ofsted inspection and the subsequent report have recognised Hartburn Primary School’s achievements; all members of the Hartburn community should be incredibly proud of their success which is richly deserved!

Praise from Nick Gibb

Following Hartburn’s report last week, another one of Prince Regent’s schools, Village Primary School, received an email from Schools Minister The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP congratulating them on being one of the top 200 performing schools in England for the multiplication tables check. His email continued to say that:

“Your average pupil score of 24.4 out of 25 makes Village Primary School one of the top 200 performing schools in England …

“The excellent achievement of your pupils is something the Government hopes to see replicated in schools across the country. Knowing times tables is vital for school and day-to-day life. Recalling multiplication and division facts up to 12×12 is important for progression in maths. That is why we recently introduced these checks, as a helpful tool for teachers to identify those pupils who need extra support. I would like both to congratulate your staff and pupils for their hard work and success and to thank you for your leadership in continuing to promote the important subject of mathematics.”

Mathematics Leader, Jordan Mansell said:

“We are very proud of our children because they have worked incredibly hard at home and in school on their multiplication skills.

Head Teacher Robert Birtwhistle added:

“This really was wonderful news. I am such a proud headteacher and it is an honour to lead this fantastic school community. I am proud of the children’s hard work, resilience and independent learning. Their self-motivation and desire to succeed is a key part of this success. I am also equally proud of the staff here. They mentor the children on a daily basis to be the best they can be. This does not involve stress, pressure or studying. Instead, staff facilitate learning, model problem solving and provide fascinating lessons that inspire young people. Equally, the support from the Thornaby community is fantastic. All of our parents and carers value learning, especially maths, as a much needed skill in modern Britain.”

Director of School Improvement, Keith Morrison commented that:

“This really is a remarkable achievement and is testament to the dedication of all staff and pupils at Village. The school’s mathematics lead has a strong vision for the subject, has high expectations of pupils and staff and has worked tirelessly to ensure the school’s mathematics curriculum is effective and that pupils achieve the highest of standards.”

Trust CEO, Julia Armstrong said:

“Huge Congratulations to Village Primary School! To be one of the top 200 schools in the country is just an amazing achievement! I could not be more proud of our staff and leaders. Another brilliant success story for the school and our Trust!”

Prince Regent Street Trust is a Schools North East MAT Partner Trust. If you’d like to find out more about our Partner School Programme click here.

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