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Careers and Enterprise Company to lead major campaign to improve teens’ life chances

The Prime Minister has announced new “high-flying mentors” to help struggling teens.

The campaign, which aims to help youngsters achieve their potential, will encourage business professionals to volunteer to act as mentors to those at “risk of dropping out of education”.

It will be led by the Careers Enterprise Company whose Chief Executive Claudia Harris will speak at the SCHOOLS NorthEast FutureReady Conference on Thursday 4 February 2016. Her keynote address will look at how to build an effective careers and enterprise plan and how to make sure it is based on ‘what works’. Find out more here.

Prime Minister David Cameron said £70m will be directed towards careers, but “primarily to the Careers and Enterprise Company who will lead this major new effort to recruit mentors for young teenagers with a focus on the 25,000 about to start their GCSEs” and are considered at risk. The campaign will proactively target schools that need help to offer mentors.

Mr Cameron also said: “many people can look back at their younger selves and point to someone […] and say ‘that’s the person who found my passion. They’re the ones who made the difference.

“But if you haven’t ever had someone in your life who really believes in you, who sees your potential and helps bring it to the fore, the sands of time can drain away, and your talents can remain unhidden.”

Christine Hodgson, Chair of the Careers and Enterprise Company who will spearhead the campaign, added: “we hope that this will highlight even more opportunities for people to get involved in a meaningful way to help young people who are in danger of becoming disengaged.”

Prime Minister to announce new generation of mentors to help struggling teens – Press Release

David Cameron pledges ‘assault on poverty’ with social reforms – BBC

BOOK your place for Futureready 2016 today!

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