27 days until the general election! Have you had your say?
There are now just 27 days until the 2024 general election. It feels like only five minutes ago that Rishi Sunak confirmed the 4 July date, so how is it that we now face the possibility of having a new government in power in less than one month’s time?!
So much has happened since the Prime Minister’s announcement on 22 May. Campaign launches, cabinet adjustments, public reactions, policy announcements… The media has exploded, and it’s clear that all those involved are working hard to inform, influence, and inspire.
Including Schools North East!
Since the news broke, we’ve been very busy preparing our latest survey to encourage all 1,150 schools in the region to have their say at this critical time.
In response to the 2019 general election, Schools North East created a ‘Manifesto for North East Education’, a statement of intent and the foundation of focus on influencing the development of education policy, as it impacts on our region.
It goes without saying that so much has changed over the last five years, meaning the upcoming 2024 election requires us to refresh the Manifesto to reflect these crucial changes.
If you haven’t yet filled in the survey, we strongly urge you to do so. It’s your input and support that allows us to continue putting a strong regional accent on the education debate.

Last month’s roundtable with Sir David Bell
Our regular roundtable conversations allow us to pinpoint areas where support is lacking and ensure that decision-makers are aware of the urgent needs within our region’s education, making these discussions indispensable.
We often arrange for prominent guest speakers – such as Members of Parliament and key figures from relevant sectors, like HMCI and Ofsted – to join us at these roundtables to give our school leaders exclusive insight and direct perspectives. It’s here that we’re able to really reinforce the message that We Lead not Plead.
At our last roundtable, on 16 May, we were joined by Sir David Bell, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sunderland.
In October 2023, it was announced that Sir David would be leading the Labour Party’s review into early years, and so discussions focused on this crucial area of education policy, and the wider impact that quality early years provision can have on closing attainment gaps.
North East school leaders discussed the need for a clear plan and framework for early years, moving away from simply ensuring parents can return to the workplace, to a focus on children as learners from birth.
This means thinking about what sort of support is delivered, and who and where delivers it. There is currently too much precariousness in what takes place in the early years sector, with rising need, recruitment challenges, and a lack of funding. A clear framework for delivery of early years education requires consistency in provision and an emphasis on quality. Provided the right staffing and investment, early years can be truly transformational.
There’s a growing trend of primary schools offering both childcare and nursery education on site. However (and as ever), funding remains a challenge, with schools and the broader education sector continuing to face financial difficulties. Guests agreed that evaluating what has worked in the past, such as the Sure Start programme, is crucial.
Before the 2024 general election was announced, we used these roundtables as a unique opportunity to gather information to inform our policy lobbying work. Well, now that we know the next election is imminent, we can use this early years discussion as a lever to influence the new government and ensure that the issues most prevalent to the North East are not overlooked.
Schools North East Summit 2024
As a general election signifies change, the Schools North East Summit 2024 invites those in school leadership roles to come together and recognise the critical role they play in helping shape our region’s education.
Despite what those with the most power might think, they can’t know everything, and it’s our job as a community to educate decision makers on exactly what it is that the North East needs, so they can finally align their policies with our priorities.
That’s why, regardless of which government is elected in 27 days time, we’re going to flip the script and EDUCATE WESTMINSTER, so that we can influence thinking to help create an education system where those difficult challenges are easier to overcome.
We can’t wait for you to join us for our annual Summit 2024 at St James’ Park for the ‘must attend’ leadership event in the North East.