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The foundation of our policy advocacy is our Manifesto for North East Education. To ensure our campaigning truly reflects the needs of North East schools, our manifesto drives the solutions we seek to the challenges of the present and the future. Below is a list of examples of our education policy influencing and campaigning work.

Letters to Parliament

Evidence Submissions

Free School Meal Auto Enrolment

Along with other organisations, we have written to government ministers, calling on them to introduce automatic enrolment for free school meals. Middlesbrough, and Durham, and Redcar and Cleveland local authorities have now introduced pilot schemes for FSM auto-enrolment.

Roadmap to Reopening Schools

In February 2021, we published a ‘Roadmap to Reopening’, proposals for the steps required to allow schools to plan a safe return for all students and staff following the pandemic.

Depressurise Education System

We have written to ministers, calling on them to depressurise the education system and reduce workload for school staff.

Voice of the Pupil

The Voice of the Pupil project was set up to develop a framework for engaging children and young people in discussions about mental health and wellbeing. The aim of the project was not only to represent the voice of the region’s children and young people, but to be of practical use to participating schools, by informing action that would positively affect better outcomes for students.

The project was developed and piloted between November 2017 and March 2019. The findings are unique, offering both a regional focus and based on the experiences of young people within school settings. 

Opportunity North East

In 2018, we successfully lobbied for Opportunity North East, with £24 million funding announced for the region.

Gatsby Benchmark

In 2015, we supported with the roll out of the Gatsby Foundation Careers Benchmark pilot in the North East, creating £650,000 funding for schools in our region.

Partner Schools