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Powered by Schools North East, Ednorth is a teaching community that brings together – and celebrates – teaching practitioners at all levels of their school journey through informed debate and collaboration.

There are “no silver bullets” in education and there are no definite answers to schools’ individual challenges. However, we believe that the most important element is what is happening with our classrooms, delivered by practitioners.

There is immense value in collaboration and Ednorth aims to foster a practitioner-led, evidence-based community that brings together teachers, leaders and institutions from across the North to share their best classroom practices with colleagues.

TeachMeets – Apply to speak or join as a delegate 

The TeachMeets aren’t a conference or a webinar; it’s an online space where school staff can share their best practice with the wider teaching community. This means, if you choose to speak at a session, we don’t need a presentation from you, and major preparation isn’t a requirement.

We just want you to join in the discussion to help your colleagues better understand a specific context. You don’t have to be a self-proclaimed ‘expert’ , just someone passionate about teaching and willing to share your knowledge, tips, and tricks with the community.

By speaking at a TeachMeet, you’ll not only contribute to the professional growth of your colleagues, but also play a crucial role in shaping effective classroom practices that benefit all students.

Previous Teachmeets

Click the image to view the recordings of any of the previous TeachMeets for FREE

Partner Schools