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MPs debate education announcements in Queen’s Speech

Education, skills and training were top of the agenda on Wednesday as MPs debated the Queen’s Speech.

While the debate focused mostly on higher education fees and teaching quality, as well as apprenticeships, the Education and Adoption Bill was also scrutinised.

Education Select Committee Chairman and Conservative MP Neil Carmichael focused on the reform of the funding formula, saying that fairer funding is needed and that the Committee will look into the proposals made by the Department. SCHOOLS NorthEast has previously raised concerns regarding plans for an Area Cost Adjustment which potentially would adversely affect the region as part of submitted evidence to the DfE consultation which is available to read here.

Opposition MPs were critical of the Government after Education Secretary Nicky Morgan changed plans to force all schools to become academies. Angela Eagle MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, branded the Government’s decision to let go of the proposed forced academisation of all schools as a “humiliating climbdown” and argued they are obsessed with structure: “This government is ideological at the expense of our children”. Her comments were followed by Universities and Science Minister Jo Johnson’s reiteration of the Government’s focus on converting schools into academies, but pointed out “we have listened to criticism and won’t force those in well-performing councils”.

Discussing the latest government announcement that academisation will only be forced in the case of schools that are maintained by underperforming and unviable councils, Mr Carmichael has called on the DfE to provide more clarity on the exact definition of these terms.

North East MP Robert Blackman-Woods said the Queen’s Speech had not redressed the “chronic teacher shortage” the education sector is facing.

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