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Case Studies

The Value of CPD for Temporary Supply Staff

Since being employed through Vision for Education I have been attended two CPD courses, provided free of charge by them. The first CDP course was a team teach course focussing on positive handling strategies, behaviour management skills and positive approaches when being presented with difficult classroom based issues. As I originally wanted to teach in mainstream I was originally weary of the level of importance this course could play in relation to my own teaching methods.

However, it gave me excellent and insightful ideas as to how I can avoid confrontation, use positive words and actions to help diffuse negative situations, and how I can gain an even greater positive control of a learning environment.

It was not until I attended a behavioural unit that I recognised the even greater importance of the team teach training, and how it could be used in the classroom. Indeed, it made me realise how such a course was necessary for all those practitioners in such provisions. I have been able to diffuse heated situations between pupils and staff, handle aggressive pupils and appropriately speak to pupils when they are anxious or confrontational. The training has allowed me to understand how the pupils may feel and think, and has therefore helped tailor which approach is best when dealing with them.

These courses are invaluable, ran by experts in their fields, and are a huge benefit for temporary and long term supply workers such as myself.

Kathryn Griffiths

SEN Teacher