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CER Education Recruitment Offer

£100 off Level 1 Online Safeguarding Course

As well as being compliant with Level 1 Induction to Child Protection the course follows the Ofsted framework to Safeguard children and is made up of a series of modules which enables all individuals working with children to:

  • Understand the concepts of safeguarding and child protection
  • Have the ability to record appropriately any concerns they may have
  • Feel confident in making referrals to the appropriate agencies
  • Provide tools for staff to raise other concerns about children that are in their care and maybe experiencing other problems such as: peer group pressure or problems in the home

“I would whole heartedly recommend the course to anybody looking at buying some online training for their establishment. The whole process has been nothing but a positive experience.” Mr David Waters, Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral),  Bradfield School