YPO Loyalty Vouchers expire soon
YPO Loyalty Vouchers expire soon
We’re committed to helping the public sector achieve the best value and because we’re 100% publicly owned, the profits we make are returned to our public sector customers, delivering even better value for money.
All YPO public sector customers are eligible to receive a share of our annual profits, from schools to emergency services and local authorities. Each year, the value of your loyalty reward is based on your annual spend with us.
Your Loyalty reward is automatically added to your account each year as a redeemable voucher and can be used to spend across our entire website, with over 20,000 products to choose from you’ll be spoilt for choice.
Head to our loyalty page to find out more and to see if you have loyalty to spend.
Hurry, Loyalty vouchers expire March 31!
Find out more>> https://www.ypo.co.uk/public-sector/loyalty?utm_source=portal&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=loyalty-&utm_content=sne