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From dreams to reality: Astley Community High School’s career fair ignites student potential

On Friday 7th February, Astley Community High School hosted an engaging careers fair for all their students, providing them with a chance to explore various career pathways. 

The event featured exhibitors from universities, local colleges, apprenticeship providers, and employers, offering students insights into higher education, hands-on training and immediate job opportunities.

A vast array of opportunities on offer

The fair encouraged students to explore a wide range of options and ask questions, helping them make informed decisions about their futures. It was a great opportunity to network and learn about careers they might not have previously considered.

Representatives from universities and colleges discussed academic programs, scholarships, and campus life, helping students plan their higher education journey.

Similarly, apprenticeship providers highlighted training programs that allow students to gain skills while earning, offering an alternative to traditional college routes, while employers from diverse industries shared job opportunities and career advice, showing students the possibilities of entering the workforce after school.

Chris Zarraga, Director of Schools North East, said “It’s truly inspiring to learn of the engagement and enthusiasm of these students. The Astley Community High School careers fair has clearly opened their eyes to a multitude of possibilities.

“This event has undoubtedly been a resounding success in empowering students to shape their futures.”

Student and Exhibitor Feedback

The feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive, with many mentioning how surprised they were by the options on offer. The efforts of the exhibitors certainly opened student’s eyes to new possibilities.

Exhibitors were very impressed by the students, too! One commented: “This is the best careers fair we have been to, the students are excellent and we have loved the question sheets and how well organised everything is.” 

Another exhibitor said that “students in Year 11 are confident about their pathway and it was fantastic to see how keen they are to find out what they need to do to achieve this.”

Astley Community High School is a Schools North East Partner School. If you’d like to find out more about our Partner School Programme click here.

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