Ofsted 2024
Insights from a recent Section 5 Inspection – Brendan Robson, Headteacher, Cardinal Hume Catholic School
This session will focus on the of reality of Cardinal Hume’s May 2024 inspection experience. Brendan will aim to delve beneath the published report and reflect on some of the detail which he believes underpins the overall judgement.
Cracking Attendance – Jim Balkwill, Deputy CEO, Pele Trust
The session looks at how to create a school culture where students want to attend, feel noticed and wanted, plus what structures and activities schools can do to diminish the barriers to non-attendance and involve the student and family in raising attendance for all.
The Evolution of an Inclusive School, the Successes and Challenges faced – Mark Tilling, Headteacher, High Tunstall College of Science
Mark will outline the journey that High Tunstall College of Science has been on in becoming an Inclusive school, as recognised by The Inclusion Quality Mark in 2024. He will discuss the challenges he has faced and the successes he has had in ensuring that at High Tunstall every learner really does matter.
Navigating the Ofsted Framework: Practical Takeaways from a recent inspection – Kate Chisholm, Executive Head Teacher, Oakfield Infant and Junior School & Wyndham Primary School
This session will provide a comprehensive account of Kate’s experience of the methodologies which are now being applied to the existing Ofsted framework, offering clarity on what schools can expect during inspections. Kate will share her first-hand experience of a recent Ofsted inspection, highlighting key differences from previous inspections and providing valuable insights to help schools better prepare for future evaluations.