What every Governor needs to know about additional funding grants (pupil premium/ sports premium)
Governors are expected to be clear about the barriers to achievement for pupils, this webinar will support the governors in ensuring they are meeting the statutory requirements regarding additional funding grants. You will learn how to support the role of the board in regular reviews of the impact of additional funding.
Book Your PlaceEvent Organiser
Event Overview

Karen Butler
Senior Education Adviser, NYES
Karen has worked in the Education sector for 30 years and has been an executive head teacher for 15 years. As well as leading multiple schools Karen also worked as a local leader of education in North Yorkshire leading training events for teaching alliances on a wide variety of educational themes.
In 2018 Karen joined the North Yorkshire School Improvement Team as a Senior Education Adviser and supports a number of primary and secondary schools across the county specialising in governance.
How to join
Once you have registered and the SNE events team have approved your place, you will be sent your confirmation email which contains your unique joining link from Zoom.
If you have not received this, please check your spam/junk folder.
If you are still struggling to find your join link, you can contact us in advance of the event and we will resend it to you. Events@schoolsnortheast.com
Do I need to install Zoom?
You can join the call without downloading Zoom by clicking ‘join from browser’ when you launch the call on the day of the event.
If you are using the Zoom app from your laptop or PC, please ensure that you have the latest version installed prior to the event. Download and Install here: https://zoom.us/client/latest/ZoomInstaller.exe
Can I ask the presenter questions?
You can submit questions for the speaker when you register, using the Zoom registration form.
The Zoom chat function will also be available during the call and questions can be submitted here. You will also have the chance to unmute and speak directly with the speaker during any allocated Q&A sessions.