Schools North East Logo


A dedicated community for School Business Professionals working in specialist schools.

In 2020 the Department for Education commissioned Schools North East to set up a dedicated network of School Business Professionals working in England’s special and hospital schools and alternative provision settings, based on our successful model.

NNoSS is a collaborative network of over 300 School Business Professionals representing over 400 of England’s specialist schools. Through collaborative initiatives the community strives to ensure their settings are well resourced for each unique learner. Together they are a loud and powerful voice, challenging decisions and influencing decision makers for the greater good of the entire specialist sector.

The community has proved an essential resource for SBPs sharing resources, best practice and benchmarking to help inform decisions in their settings. They no longer work in isolation instead have a bank of CPD right at their fingertips.

NNoSS recognises the importance of having a School Business Professional in every setting and the contribution they make as part of the senior leadership team.

Partner Schools