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Early Day Motion for state school funding tabled

Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran has tabled an Early Motion Debate to call on the Government to resolve the funding crisis in schools. Moran is the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Education, Science & Young People in the House of Commons.

This motion comes on the back of a debate on 4th March triggered by Gateshead Head Teacher Andy Ramanadi’s petition which attracted more than 100,000 signatures.

The motion acknowledges the calls from the Worth Less? campaign, and calls for the Government to restore the per pupil schools budget to 2015/16 levels in real terms, which would provide schools with an £2.5bn in extra funding.

This motion shows the increasing pressure on the Government to respond to the funding crisis and invest in schools. As of 22nd March 2019 the motion has 18 supporters.

You can find more information here

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