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North East academy leaders welcome new inspection framework

Ofsted’s draft 2019 Inspection Framework is strongly welcomed by North East academy leaders, according to polling conducted by Schools North East.

Over 220 delegates attended yesterday’s Schools North East Academies Conference. Opinion was gauged in a special session where delegates used Slido, an online audience interaction tool, to give feedback.

They indicated unanimous support when asked, “Overall, is a new, curriculum-led framework a positive move forward?” and near unanimous support when asked, “Will this give North East schools better opportunity to give a good account of themselves?” Conversely, however, only 14% said they had confidence Ofsted would be able to deliver a curriculum-led inspection framework on the ground.

The key proposal of a new “quality of education” judgement received strong support, with 86% agreeing or strongly agreeing with the move. Splitting the behaviour and personal development judgements received the support of three quarters of respondents.

Reaction to the proposal to extend inspections of “good” schools to 2 days was mixed, with one delegate questioning whether this would mean a reduction in the overall number of inspections.

Delegates strongly opposed the idea of inspectors undertaking on-site preparation on the afternoon prior to inspection and no longer looking at non-statutory internal progress and attainment data.

The full results are shown in the graphs below:


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